Wednesday 31 March 2021

Cheong, Nicolas & Buzgon Among Silver Legacy Circuit Winners

Negreanu and Hellmuth to Face Off Tonight in ‘High Stakes Duel’

Sunak could have found a better company to praise than Deliveroo | Business

Rishi Sunak backed the wrong horse. If the chancellor wanted to promote the London stock market as a warm and loving place for smart 21st-century companies, Deliveroo was the wrong firm to hail as “a true British tech success story”. A 26% first-day plunge in the share price for a £7.6bn float is a shambles.

Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, which were in charge of the listing operation, are primarily to blame. They got their numbers hideously wrong. As the price range for the float was lowered this week, the investment banks pumped out a misleading message that the order-book for shares was “fully covered”. Well, it obviously wasn’t covered by the right people in the right quantities. Hedge funds, the marginal buyers in these situations, smelled weakness and sold at the first opportunity.

The intriguing question is why rock-solid support didn’t materialise. Theory A says this was a rebellion by old-school UK fund managers against Deliveroo’s perceived governance abuses, such as the supercharged voting rights for chief executive and co-founder Will Shu.

To a degree, that factor was probably at play. Lord Hill’s review of the listing regime proposes allowing companies with unequal voting structures to be included in stock market indices. Opponents hate the idea, seeing basic unfairness and bad long-term consequences. Deliveroo presented a chance to voice discontent.

But was it the main factor in spoiling the mood? It seems unlikely. A few UK objectors (against a listing reform that hasn’t happened yet, remember) would not normally throw a global investment roadshow into confusion. Theory B sounds more plausible: Deliveroo was simply overcooked at £7.6bn.

On that score, the company should look in the mirror. Shu never convincingly answered the “gig economy” question: would Deliveroo’s model of food delivery work if riders have to be given contracts and regular employment rights?

Instead, the company stuck rigidly to the line that riders earn £13 an hour “at our busiest times”, which came across as an exercise in using data selectively. What do they earn on average? Deliveroo lost £225m at an operating level last year. Investors wanted to hear some vague reassurance that profitability won’t be perpetually out of reach if riders get rights.

The company can console itself that it has raised its £1bn of fresh capital. Shu can stop banging on awkwardly about how there are 21 “meal occasions” in a week and get back to work, which is possibly how he prefers things.

But Sunak should also keep his head down. There are still good UK tech companies out there – and many use technology for more uplifting purposes than delivering takeaway meals by bicycle. They don’t need the accompaniment of hype from the chancellor when they come to market. Most, let’s hope, will regard the chaotic nature of Deliveroo’s float as a special case, which is probably the right way to view events. Whether it’s tech or non-tech, sellers shouldn’t be greedy on price.

Bet365’s Denise Coates hits the £1m a day jackpot at last

It was only a matter of time before Denise Coates, chief executive of Bet365, would pay herself more than £365m in a single year, and the moment has arrived. The sum was £421m in the 12 months to March last year. Since the next accounts will cover the pandemic period that brought the gift of bored customers working from home, it’s odds-on she’ll pass the round number of £500m next time out.

Coates clearly runs a slick operation and, to her credit, she pays herself in vanilla payroll fashion via a UK-domiciled company, meaning she’s a substantial taxpayer as well as giver to charity. Others would have relocated to Monaco by now.

She is, though, infuriatingly shy about revealing where Bet365 makes its money. The company never publishes a geographical breakdown of revenues, as publicly listed companies have to do. It is clearly unbothered by allegations that it accepts wagers from China, where individuals risk prison for placing online bets.

The geographical mystery limits the pool of potential buyers should Coates ever wish to sell the business – or, at least, the sale price would be depressed. So one must assume that neither a float nor a sale is on the cards; just an annual succession of extraordinary paydays.

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New York Mobile Sports Betting Inches Closer • This Week in Gambling

The possibility of New York mobile sports betting got a big push toward reality, as both the State Senate and Assembly both approved bills that would permit the activity as part of their budgets.

The approval of both legislative bodies was for a multi-operator approach which would allow betting kiosks at state racetracks, plus off-track betting could take place at parlors and sports stadiums.

This was the preferred plan of sports books, gaming stakeholders and the gambling industry at large. However, Governor Andrew Cuomo prefers the single operator model which would operate  more like the state lottery.

Currently, sports wagering in New York is permitted only at four commercial casinos and casinos owned by three upstate Native American tribes.You can read more about the push for New York mobile sports betting at Yogo Net.

Tagged New York mobile sports betting

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Jonathan Little Examines João Simao’s Huge BLUFF with just Eight High

This is how to make — and lose — a fortune with NFTs – Cointelegraph Magazine

The rise of nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, has been nothing short of astounding this year. Google searches for “NFT” are up over 600% since mid-February, hitting initial coin offering mania levels, and the top NFT platforms are turning over millions of dollars each day.

In a single 24-hour period earlier in March, sport collectibles platform NBA Top Shot saw sales of more than $7.89 million, art house OpenSea took in $4.88 million, and “digital antique” NFT project CryptoPunks netted $3.28 million.

The mainstream media is showing more interest in NFTs than it has in crypto for years, with publications from the BBC to The New York Times running explainers and the odd hit piece. Prices certainly look frothy, with Beeple’s “Everydays” selling at Christie’s for almost $70 million, Jack Dorsey auctioning the first-ever tweet for $2.9 million, and an Alien Crypto Punk changing hands for $7.57 million. Established artists including Banksy and Damien Hirst have jumped onto the trend, along with musical acts Kings of Leon, 3Lau and Aphex Twin.

(Alien Crypto Punk, Larva Labs)

At various points, the crypto community thought that either fast, cheap payments; decentralized finance, or DeFi; or the attraction of “hard money” might bring in the masses — it turns out the great unwashed are more interested in owning a JPG.

Colin Goltra, who co-founded the NFT-based Narra Art Gallery in Decentraland, says this is a very good thing, as NFTs are bringing new demographics into crypto, outside of the usual finance and tech types.

“Suddenly we’ve got this fresh blood of people exploring the space with new eyes,” says Goltra, who also heads up Binance Philippines, adding: “It’s refreshing to interact with new community members — you’re really inspired by the art, you have a lot of fun, and it’s kind of like a game to collect.”

“Make sure you’re getting some combination of that stuff out of it too because if you’re just treating this as financial speculation, honestly, there’s probably other games in town for that.”

So, how do you get involved? Magazine spoke to some of the leading experts in the field to find out.



How do you spot value in an NFT?

Unlike DeFi protocols, where you can value a project by comparing its revenue and growth potential to the price of its token and its total value locked, the value of most NFTs is highly subjective, and sentiment can turn in an instant. Earlier this month, CryptoKitties were changing hands for an average price of $1,263. By later in March, that had fallen to $115.

It’s also important to understand what you’re actually paying for. With digital art, for example, an NFT gives you ownership of a unique token linked to the art, similar to a certificate of authenticity. But you don’t own the copyright of the art, nor do you get a physical copy of it, and it doesn’t stop anyone else from copying or viewing it.

Australian dance music producer Flume sold a music and animation NFT, “Saccade,” for $66,000, despite retaining the copyright to the music and leaving it freely available for anyone to watch on YouTube. Castle Island Ventures founder Nic Carter likens buying an NFT to getting an autographed print:

“What I’m buying is effectively a digitized version of a signed setlist after a gig, or a signed, limited edition album cover. As I jokingly put it, the NFT should be understood as the autograph, not the art.”

The blockchain on which the NFT is minted also affects the price, with users paying a premium for Ethereum-based NFTs, given that the network is secure, decentralized and expected to be around for a while. But the choice of blockchain is less of an issue with in-game assets (which may need a faster blockchain) or with something like NBA Top Shot (which uses Flow), as it’s the only place you can buy licensed NBA memorabilia.

Value drivers

Different categories of NFTs — including art, music, in-game items, virtual land and collectibles — have different value drivers, explains Andrew Steinwold, managing partner of NFT investment fund Sfermion.

He says that in-game assets derive value from their utility — a sword with 10 times the power of the average sword should fetch a higher price, for example — while virtual land is priced according to “location content and parameters.” Crypto art’s value is based mainly on an artist’s reputation, while collectibles “derive their value from the narrative that surrounds the asset.”

Across all categories, scarcity and uniqueness help drive value — provided there is demand, of course. “Collectibles often come in various editions which vary by size and have rarity tiers. First editions in a project’s series typically command a premium,” explains Delphi Digital research analyst Alex Gedevani. “Even better if there’s historical significance and/or strong narrative behind it like CryptoPunks, the first NFTs.”

Alien and Ape Punks are the most prized CryptoPunks. For the blockchain-based game Axie Infinity, where users raise and battle fantasy creatures called Axies, “The scarcest, most valuable Axies are Mystic Axies,” says Jiho Zirlin, co-founder of Axie creator Sky Mavis. “They have rare limited skins and these skins will have a deeper evolutionary tract than other Axie body parts.”

On NBA Top Shot, sport “Moments” with low serial numbers fetch higher prices, as do those where the serial number matches the player’s jersey number. A collector recently turned down a $1 million offer for a moment with a #1 serial number, which matched player Zion Williamson’s jersey number, #1.



The NFT art scene is perhaps the easiest for newcomers to understand. Just as in the real world, well-known artists with bigger social followings command higher prices than newcomers. Make sure to look at an artist’s overall volume of work: Someone pumping out 10 NFTs per day may soon saturate the market. Counterintuitively, however, big-name artists can actually launch a lot more work than others.

NFTs can be released in editions of 10, 50 or even hundreds of copies — similar to a real-world artist running off 500 prints and hand-signing them — or they can be released as unique, standalone one-of-one editions.

As you might expect, the one-of-one editions are the most highly prized, and that’s why Goltra focuses almost exclusively on them. “I do like the idea that I can be the unique owner of beautiful imagery, or a beautiful piece of art,” he says.

What should investors avoid?

A big red flag comes up for projects that are only in it for the money, and Gedevani cautions against “carbon copy clones of successful projects like CryptoPunks and Hashmarks” along with “celebrity NFTs that appear to be quick money grabs off their audiences.” He doesn’t mention Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton by name, but he probably doesn’t have to.

Another trap is buying stolen art. Russian artist WeirdUndead was outraged to find her stolen work up for sale on OpenSea after someone automatically tokenized it using Tokenized Tweets. She tweeted:

It’s an ongoing problem, given how simple it is to mint NFTs now. Visual artist Rosa Menkman likewise discovered that four of her artworks had been tokenized using another website called MarbleCards and auctioned on OpenSea. Apart from the ethical issues, it’s hard to see stolen NFT art maintaining value if its creator disavows it.

Even when the art is authentic, Steinwold says it’s important to assess the background and motivation of the person issuing an NFT:

“Are they some famous athlete that learned about NFTs last month? Or are they someone that has been in the NFT ecosystem for years and has thoughtfully crafted assets with a compelling narrative?”

Steinwold may be thinking of NFL star Rob Gronkowski, who sold $1.8 million worth of NFT memorabilia on OpenSea.

In the blockchain gaming world, Zirlin recommends steering clear of hyped-up but substance-free new projects, or as he puts it: “Chasing the new hot thing, trying to be early to a bad project rather than joining a more established project with potential.”

In the art scene, Goltra avoids NFT platforms that aren’t highly selective about the art they carry, such as OpenSea and Rarible. While he says large open platforms such as these are great for new artists and investors, they present logistical problems.


“There’s just so much work that you have to sift through to find anything of quality,” he says. He prefers platforms with “filters,” including SuperRare — which only offers one-of-one single editions — Nifty Gateway and Foundation.

Miko Matsumura, general partner at Gumi Cryptos Capital, recommends avoiding pretty much everything. “Almost everything in NFT will be worthless in the future,” he says, with limited exceptions for those that can be authenticated as having historical significance, such as CryptoKittes or NBA Top Shot collectibles. “Don’t buy stuff that has no historical value from sources that have no authority,” he warns.

Is a potential financial return the best way to approach NFTs?

In a word, no. Those with whom Magazine spoke agreed that collectors with a genuine interest in a category are the most likely to turn out to be successful in this nascent industry. “If someone is heading into a collectibles market with the intention of flipping for profit but doesn’t understand the nuances of the project, chances are it may not end well,” says Gedevani, adding:

“We are still largely in the experimental phase with collectibles across many categories like sports, avatars, game items and more. It’s better to focus on niches that genuinely interest you and where you can find an edge.”

Gabby Dizon, co-founder of Yield Guild Games and Narra Gallery, says we’re still so early in the NFT game that it’s very difficult to gauge potential financial returns. A better strategy is “to first buy something you would not mind owning for the next five years,” with one eye on factors that might see the value increase, like “scarcity, desirability, aesthetics and utility.”

That way, even if the market tanks, you still own an NFT you like. For Goltra, “The financial stuff is secondary,” adding: “There are pieces I could purchase as speculative plays but I don’t because it’s not the purpose for me. I just try to buy art that I like or that speaks to me in some way.”



Are some NFTs undervalued/overvalued right now?

Mike Winkelmann, the artist known as Beeple, certainly thinks prices are too high at present, telling Fox News: “I absolutely think it’s a bubble, to be quite honest. I go back to the analogy of the beginning of the internet. There was a bubble. And the bubble burst.”

Matsumura believes that “All types of NFTs are overvalued right now” and likens the space to a lottery, where the winners win really big and get all the publicity while “the vast, vast majority of people will be losers,” economically speaking. 

Goltra is also keenly aware the NFT mania could fizzle out, taking those high price tags with it. “I know we’re not immune to market cycles, the way that the rest of the crypto space is,” he says. “And so, I know that there’s a version of this where any media that we’re doing right now, you know, whenever this next cycle is over, we all look stupid.”



But Yat Siu, CEO of Animoca Brands, believes at least one NFT sector is currently not getting enough love, and that’s gaming. “Our opinion is that game assets are undervalued because NFTs derive value not just from provenance, scarcity, and general demand, but also from their utility,” he says.

“If you do wish to acquire NFTs primarily as an investment, then aim for assets that have underlying utility in a scarcity-based game or platform that is likely to grow significantly in terms of users — your NFTs will have a better chance to increase in value simply due to demand and supply patterns.”

As an example of a wise investment, he notes that crates of NFTs for the Formula One-licenced game F1 Delta Time were released for $500 in 2019, some of which contained sought-after Ferraris that have increased in value to as much as $60,000.

How important is it to understand the secondary sales market?

Steinwold calls secondary sales “perhaps the most important indicator of an NFT’s longevity,” and Dizon cites them as the true test of whether an NFT was worth the initial purchase price.

To better understand secondary markets, Gedevani recommends making use of third-party or community-created analytic tools such as MomentRanks, and, which help investors gauge the value of NBA Top Shot collections.

“Overlooking secondary sales is an easy way to make a mistake of buying an overvalued asset that has already run up substantially in a short time period,” he says.

How can you maximize the chances of winning an auction?

While you could “learn how to code and use bots,” as Steinwold suggests — or take a short course in auction game theory — the best way to win is to not play the game, says Goltra.

“Sometimes you can preempt the auction altogether,” he says, suggesting you slide into an artist’s DMs on Twitter or Instagram and negotiate directly.

“I think artists want to know that the collector of the art is appreciating it, and they like knowing who their collector is. To be able to actually strike up a conversation and kind of make friends with the artist is actually a best practice in terms of wanting to win something super rare.”

What sort of budget do you need?

A couple hundred dollars is a reasonable budget to begin with in most categories, though given the interest in NFT art at present, a couple thousand might be required to snare a one-of-one edition from anyone with a reputation.

To snag an art bargain on a low budget, you might have to work a little harder. “I specialize in buying NFTs of up-and-coming artists who are yet ‘undiscovered’ and whose NFT artworks are selling for much lower prices than more established artists,” explains Dizon. Such gems are more likely to be found on open platforms like OpenSea and Rarible — though you’ll need to spend a bit of time combing through the haystack.



OpenSea co-founder Alex Atallah says you can turn up hidden gems by looking for artists with few buyers to date but who have strong, unique social media accounts. “These are often the ones that will get ‘discovered’ soon by the NFT community,” he says.

Goltra adds that keeping an eye on the upcoming artists with whom better-known artists interact on social media is also instructive. “You can kind of tell when there’s a new artist that’s very prominent, because all the other artists get excited,” he says.

Games and collectibles platforms often have very affordable entry points: NBA’s Top Shot platform sells “common” packs for as low as $9, and collector Pranksy claims to have turned $600 into nearly $7 million worth of memorabilia in a few months on the platform.

Siu explains that newer projects sometimes reward early adopters in the community with airdrops and gifts: “Getting deeply involved in an NFT project early on is usually a sound strategy because there will often be early adopter drops or gifts for engaged community members,” he says, adding: “We have given out such rewards in games like F1 Delta Time encouraging players to play more frequently, and some of those rewards ended up becoming quite valuable.”

And for those who have no budget at all, you can actually play to earn by raising Axies — a pastime that helped numerous Filipino players make it through the pandemic, with some even becoming relatively wealthy in local terms.

“There are people making a living playing Axie,” says Zirlin. “From collectors to play-to-earn grinders in the developing world.”



How do I research the market?

Some of the better-known NFT news sources include Steinwold’s Zima Red podcast and newsletter, Delphi Digital’s Delphi Daily, Bankless and The Defiant. Art platforms such as SuperRare also feature interviews with artists and other content.

In addition, you can follow as many NFT accounts on Twitter as possible — including WhaleShark, DCL Blogger, Loopify, Linda Xie and more — and get involved with NFT communities on Discord, such as those of OpenSea and Token Smart. Zirlin says the Axie Infinity community on Discord is the best way to learn how to raise Axies. “I suggest becoming a community member by joining the Discord and meeting the other Axie trainers. Talk to other players that have had successful journeys and try to emulate their paths,” he says.

Gedevani says your time is well spent browsing social media, listening to podcasts and experimenting with projects. “That’s the fastest way to learn,” he explains. “Follow the builders/investors in the NFT community who have been through all the ups and downs and are best positioned to navigate this market.”

Final words of advice

We are still in the early days for NFTs, and no one really knows how the market will develop, so there’s an abundance of caution all around. Matsumura notes that in the current bull market, everyone can appear to be winning and making large paper gains, but sentiment can suddenly flip. “Some of those things will go to zero and stay at zero forever,” he says. 

Dizon encourages buyers to do as much research as possible: “Do your homework, make sure you love what you are buying and can afford it, then you can pull the trigger. The best time to sell an NFT is when everyone else is FOMOing in. The worst time to sell an NFT is when you need the money.”

Steinwold says a long-term mindset is likely the key to success. “We are in a frenzied period right now so be thoughtful in what you purchase. Ask yourself: will this NFT be around in two to three years?” He concludes:

“The NFT zeitgeist only caught on to a wider audience the past few months and this revolution will take many years so always play long-term games with long-term people.”

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Almost $1 Billion Has Been Won During PokerStars’ SCOOPs

Bitcoin futures premium hits 30%, but analyst says, ‘This time it’s different’

March 30 could become a historical day that will be remembered by Bitcoin (BTC) fans for a long time. Besides marking a 17% recovery from the $50,300 bottom on March 25, PayPal officially confirmed that it will support crypto payments for U.S. customers. Moreover, CME Group announced that its Micro Bitcoin futures contracts will launch on May 3 with the contract size starting at 0.1 BTC each. 

Additional bullish news came as Morning Brew, a daily business newsletter with 2.5 million subscribers, finally dropped gold and is now exhibiting Bitcoin price in its markets section alongside the S&P 500, Nasdaq, Dow, 10-Year Treasury and JPMorgan stock.

March 30 also marks 3 weeks of BTC price having a daily candle close above $50,000. Thus, as the market indicates a healthy consolidation period, traders should closely monitor the levels of leverage being used by investors. Historically, crashes tend to occur when buyers are excessively optimistic and any sharp price movement larger than 8% tends to trigger larger cascading liquidations.

BTC price at Binance, USD. Source: TradingView

The open interest on Bitcoin futures shows the size of the current longs and shorts and whenever this number increases substantially, it means investors have a larger risk exposure. Thus, it shows increasing market interest in the asset but this also comes at the cost of potentially sizable liquidations.

BTC futures aggregate open interest in USD terms. Source: Bybt

The above chart shows a 105% increase in futures open interest over the last two months. Meanwhile, the current $22.6 billion indicator remains only 2% below its all-time high.

Even though Bitcoin’s price surge can explain part of this hike, it also reflects renewed confidence as longs have been liquidated on $7.4 billion between March 14 and March 24.

To understand how bullish or bearish professional traders are leaning, one should analyze the futures basis rate. Basis is also frequently referred to as the futures premium and it measures the difference between longer-term futures contracts and the current spot market levels.

A 10% to 20% annualized premium (basis) is interpreted as neutral, or a situation known as contango. This price difference is caused by sellers demanding more money to withhold settlement longer.

OKEx BTC 3-month futures basis. Source: Skew

On March 13, BTC markets entered an excessive-leverage situation as the basis rate neared 35%. Being optimistic, especially during a bullish market, should not be deemed worrisome. However, as the price dropped 11% following the $61,800 all-time high, these ultra-leveraged buyers had their positions terminated.

This time around, the basis rate hovers around 29%, which is reasonably high but the figure could adjust itself over the next couple of days. These leveraged buyers might increase their margins or buy BTC on regular spot exchanges to subsequently reduce their futures position.

Although longs seem to be excessively leveraged, there are currently no signs of potential market stress that hint at a negative outcome if BTC price drops to $53,000. As most of the recent open interest increase happened in early-March, the long’s average price is likely not much higher than this.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph. Every investment and trading move involves risk. You should conduct your own research when making a decision.

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Bet365 boss Denise Coates’ pay may exceed £1bn in four years | Executive pay and bonuses

The Bet365 boss, Denise Coates, is on course to have been paid more than £1bn in four years, after the online gambling firm reported a sizeable increase in pay for directors.

The betting firm has delayed filing accounts with Companies House this year but appears to have shared details of its performance with gambling industry media.

The website EGR Intel reported that “total compensation of key management personnel for the period was £607.4m, up from £428.4m in 2019.”

Coates, Bet365’s co-chief executive, paid herself £323m in 2019, including salary and dividends on her stake of more than 50% in the Stoke-on-Trent based company. The record pay packet took her income over three years to £817m.

If her share of executive pay at the company is similar to the level seen in previous years, last year’s pay deal will take her income since 2016 to significantly more than £1bn.

Bet365 reported an 8% fall in revenue to £2.81bn for the 52-week period ended 29 March 2020, according to EGR Intel, partly due to the cancellation of sports events in mid-March and the lack of a major football tournament during the period.

Operating profit fell by 74% to £194.7m, down from £758.3m in 2019, owing to the reduction in revenue but also as a result of the bumper pay rise for directors.

The company will not publish results covering the majority of the pandemic for at least another nine months, but it is likely to have done extremely well, given the surge in online gambling seen at rival companies.

Coates has become Britain’s best-paid woman while building the Bet365 empire after recognising the power of internet gambling early on and latching on to rapid growth of in-play bets on football.

She gives much of her cash to good causes such as the Douglas Macmillan Hospice and Alzheimer’s Research UK. Her foundation’s page on the Charity Commission website offers no indication of whether any of it goes to problem gambling treatment.

Bet365 is yet to give a breakdown of the geographical spread of its business, despite allegations of offering bets in China, where it is illegal to do so. EGR Intel said it understood that 25% of the sports and gaming revenue, or £700m, was generated from the UK market.

Coates said: “On behalf of the board I am pleased to report that the group continued to make considerable progress during the period, particularly in the priority area of safer gambling, where significant investment and developments have been made.

“The period also saw the initial impact of Covid-19, with sport at all levels halted across the world. I am delighted with how the group responded and adapted to these challenging circumstances.”

Credit: Source link


Goldman Sachs readying Bitcoin product for clients — BTC bounces above $58K

Bitcoin (BTC) and some altcoins will soon be available to Goldman Sachs clients, according to a new  mainstream media report.

Released by CNBC on March 31, comments from an interview with Mary Rich, global head of digital assets for the bank’s private wealth management division, confirm plans to offer cryptoassets to investors.

Goldman exec: Crypto access coming in “near term”

The move will make Goldman the second major lender to open up the world of cryptocurrency to its clients, and comes weeks after a pioneering move by Morgan Stanley.

″We are working closely with teams across the firm to explore ways to offer thoughtful and appropriate access to the ecosystem for private wealth clients, and that is something we expect to offer in the near-term,” CNBC quoted Rich as saying.

Morgan Stanley’s rollout is due to launch in April, with Goldman later in Q2. Both banks have the potential to bring large amounts of new capital into the Bitcoin ecosystem via participation in crypto-focused funds.

Continuing, Rich highlighted demand as a driving force behind Goldman’s decision.

“There’s a contingent of clients who are looking to this asset as a hedge against inflation, and the macro backdrop over the past year has certainly played into that,” she added.

“There are also a large contingent of clients who feel like we’re sitting at the dawn of a new Internet in some ways and are looking for ways to participate in this space.”

Like many major banks, Goldman has changed its tune on Bitcoin this year, going from a solid skeptic to embracing the phenomenon — noticeably in contrast to central banks including the United States Federal Reserve.

“Eventually they will have to offer bitcoin services to everyone,” Morgan Creek Digital co-founder Anthony Pompliano commented on the news.

BTC/USD gets instant boost after crash

Bitcoin price action reacted warmly to the news, passing $58,000 once more after Wednesday produced a flash crash of more than $2,000 in minutes.

As Cointelegraph reported, analysts remain little concerned about the lack of momentum, pointing to solid fundamentals and the need to shake out overleveraged positions before grinding towards all-time highs. 

$68,000 and $73,000 are points of interest for a potential breakout.

BTC/USD 1-hour candle chart (Bitstamp). Source: Tradingview

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Adrian Mateos Clinches First Super MILLION$ Title ($428,624)

Bitcoin flash crashes by $2K in 5 minutes, liquidating $600M in longs

Bitcoin (BTC) fell over $2,000 in five minutes on March 31 as a wave of volatility disrupted an otherwise calm market.

BTC/USD 1-minute candle chart (Bitstamp). Source: Tradingview

BTC sees sudden volatility

Cointelegraph Markets Pro and Tradingview showed a nightmare for long traders unfold on Wednesday, with BTC/USD suddenly dropping from $59,350 to $57,000.

At the time of writing, the losses were still mounting after the pair hit lows of $56,713 on Bitstamp. 

“Exactly Bitcoin,” trader Michaël van de Poppe reacted to what has become a familiar event on short timeframes for Bitcoin.

Previously, upside had been the focus for day traders as news from PayPal spawned a run-up to just below $60,000.

Those betting on a continuation of the bull run lost big on Wednesday, however, as the downturn liquidated long positions worth $600 million amid a 24-hour total wipeout of $1 billion.

For quant analyst PlanB, their demise was nonetheless beneficial, helping to rid the market of unwanted leverage and ensure more organic future rises. As Cointelegraph reported, similar events have occurred with both long and short positions in recent months.

“Beautiful stop loss hunting .. again,” he commented on Twitter.

“Now that all leveraged longs are liquidated, we finally have room for breaking $60K in April.”

Funding rates creep up

Meanwhile, indicators showed reason to believe that further price increases for Bitcoin would need some work.

Funding rates across derivatives platforms were higher on the day, reaching as high as 0.375% on Huobi, a classic sign that downward pressure is incoming.

Bitcoin funding rates vs. BTC/USD chart. Source: Bybt

The longer-term picture remains more than positive, with analysts pointing to $68,000 and $73,000 as the next hurdles to watch.

Credit: Source link


Tuesday 30 March 2021

Poker After Dark Season 12: Big Hands from “Not About Nick” Week 2

Bullish traders cast low-risk Ethereum options bets with this clever strategy

Ether (ETH) has been making higher lows throughout 2021, and the current trend indicates that $1,800 might be the bottom for April. Even traders and investors who do not rely on technicals have become optimists after Visa initiated a pilot to settle transactions in USD Coin (USDC) through the Ethereum network.

Ether price in USD at Coinbase. Source: TradingView

Given that Ether’s price is looking like it’s ready to pursue new yearly highs, there’s a few investment options on the table. Buying and holding is an excellent strategy, as well as a leveraged long position up to 2x. The problem lies on the downside, as a 20% move would result in a 40% loss using futures contracts. Not to mention there is not much room for additional leverage as it requires a considerable upfront.

On the other hand, options strategies provide excellent opportunities for traders who have a fixed-range target. For example, for those expecting a moderate 15% price increase in thirty days, the ‘Iron Condor’ strategy provides 12% gains with minimal upfront funds required. This strategy also limits the downside to 10%, regardless of how the asset performs.

This bullish strategy consists of buying 10 Ether worth of $1,600 put options while simultaneously selling the same amount of $2,240 calls. To finalize the trade, the buyer will sell 7.5 Ether worth of $2,080 put options and balance it by buying 8 Ether contracts of $2,880 call.

Unlike perpetual futures (inverse swaps), options have a set expiry date, so the expected outcome must happen during the defined period.

The Ether (ETH) calendar option below refers to the April 30 expiry, but this strategy can also be used on Bitcoin (BTC) or applied on a different time frame.

Derivatives exchanges price these contracts in Ether, meaning the displayed profits and losses are calculated by Ether fractions at the expiry date.

Profit / Loss estimate. Source: Deribit Position Builder

Considering that Ether is currently trading at $1,810, any outcome between $1,790 and $2,545 (up 40.6%) yields a net gain. For example, a 15% price increase to $2,080 results in a 1.2 ETH net gain, or $2,500.

Meanwhile, this strategy’s maximum loss is 1.04 ETH, which will happen if the price on April 30 is below $1,600 (down 12%) or above $2,545.

The Iron Condor strategy allure is the potential 1.2 ETH gain while losses are limited below $1,600 at expiry.

Overall this conservative strategy yields a much better risk-reward compared to leveraged futures trading because of the limited downside. The upfront cost (deposit) is 1.04 ETH, and this also reflects the maximum potential loss.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph. Every investment and trading move involves risk. You should conduct your own research when making a decision.

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WPT GTO Trainer Hands of the Week: Shallow Big Blind Defense

Today you’ll be playing in a multi-table tournament where you defend the Big Blind with less than 20BBs in the effective stack. This spot will be one of the most commonly played in all of tournament play, since ranges to continue are quite wide and this situation comes up nearly every orbit.

Your range to defend the big blind against a min-raise will be quite wide at this stack depth. Certain hands like most pocket pairs and a variety of hands containing an Ace will not be in your range, since you would reshove with those hands preflop.

Keep in mind that postflop due to the shallow stacks you can simply check-call with many of your strong hands since standard betting on all streets will allow you to be all-in by the river. Using stack depth to determine your slow play frequency is an important concept in winning play.

Since ranges are very wide, you’ll generally be able to continue profitably against small c-bets with hands as weak as undercards to the board with gutshot straight draws. Facing larger c-bets, you should be prepared to fold hands as strong as bottom pair with no draw when the flop is somewhat coordinated. You may not be able to get to showdown profitably with those weak pairs on very poor board structures.

When your opponent checks back on the flop, you should generally size up turn lead bets. Draws as weak as gutshots are valuable to round out a turn betting range in these spots. Larger sizing in these spots is generally used to attack the now somewhat capped hand range of Villain.

In passively played pots checked down to the river, don’t be afraid to value bet hands such as 2nd pair. You can often get value from bottom pair type hands or even Ace high.

To access the free five hands, visit this page.

Regular play on the WPT GTO Trainer will help you adjust your decisions closer and closer to GTO strategy.

You don’t have to be the world’s best player to use GTO Strategy, and thanks to the WPT GTO Trainer, now you don’t have to buy expensive software or have expert level knowledge to study GTO.

Why use the WPT GTO Trainer?

The WPT GTO Trainer lets you play real solved hands against a perfect opponent in a wide variety of postflop scenarios for cash game and tournament play.

If your goal is to be a tough poker player then you should try the WPT GTO Trainer today.

Register a free account here (it only takes your e-mail address to begin) to play hands and see true GTO strategy in real-time.

The WPT GTO Trainer has over 4 billion unique solved flops, turns and rivers that are fully playable.

As you make decisions in a hand, you receive instant feedback on the specific EV loss (if any) and Played Percentage for every action you take as compared to GTO strategy.

The full selection of scenarios for the WPT GTO Trainer are only available to members of LearnWPT, however we’re giving PokerNews Readers free access to the Trainer on a regular basis with the WPT GTO Hands of The Week.

Use this series of articles to practice the strategies you learn on LearnWPT (or at the table) and test your progress by playing a five-hand sample each week.

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Oops! A 100% Bitcoin hodl outperformed CNBC’s 2017 altcoin basket by 170%

Bitcoin (BTC) has produced phenomenal returns most years, but when it comes to maximizing them, it’s best just to buy and hodl.

That was the conclusion from new data circulating on social media this week, which casts serious doubt on the merits of following investment advice from mainstream media.

Don’t believe the hype?

Under the microscope was CNBC, which in 2017 offered viewers an investment portfolio made up of 30% Bitcoin and 70% altcoins.

Four years later, those who invested $10,000 at the time now have around $52,300. Had they just bought and hodled Bitcoin, however, they would have over $140,000.

“The 30% #BTC allocation is responsible for 75% of the return,” Twitter account StatsBTC, which uploaded the numbers, noted in comments.

CNBC’s portfolio came courtesy of well-known pundit Brian Kelly, months before it hit then all-time highs of $20,000. Altcoins also saw peaks, months later in early 2018, with most only to crash and never recover.

Subsequently, the network gained an unenviable reputation for acting as a buy signal for investors — ironically by telling them not to invest in Bitcoin. The same fate has since befallen the likes of gold bug Peter Schiff.

As Cointelegraph reported, fellow host Jim Cramer, on the other hand, has embraced Bitcoin thanks to persuasion from Morgan Creek Digital co-founder Anthony Pompliano. His investment, thought to be around $500,000, has made Cramer “a ton of money,” he said earlier this month.

All hail the king

Meanwhile, even a longer-term HODL strategy will have suffered from exposure to altcoins at the expense of its Bitcoin presence.

According to Bob Simon, owner of the StatsBTC account, $100 divided equally between Bitcoin, Litecoin, XRP, Dogecoin and Peercoin in March 2014 would now be worth $6,000. A Bitcoin-only punt, by contrast, would sell for $12,130.

“An equally weighted basket of the top 5 cryptocurrencies has underperformed Bitcoin by over 50% over the past 7 years,” he summarized.

Bitcoin vs. mixed investment returns. Source: Bob Simon/ Twitter

Analysts still believe that this coming summer will produce huge gains for altcoins, with one arguing that a peak price “Alt Season 2.0” has already begun.

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The Good, Bad, and Ugly • This Week in Gambling

This week’s gambling news looks at what’s good, bad, and ugly about the Las Vegas recovery efforts after the pandemic. Vaccines are rolling out across America, speculation is that things could return to “normal” as soon as this summer.

Hello, players! And welcome to This Week in Gambling! I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t wait for Las Vegas to completely reopen again at 100%! And according to some industry experts, a full Las Vegas recovery could happen within just a few months!

This week’s big story has three parts: The good, the bad, and the ugly. First, the good news: Vaccinations are rolling out all across America. And in Nevada it’s estimated that 70% of the residents and workers will be fully inoculated by the end of May. And that, my friends, means that Las Vegas casinos, hotels, restaurants, bars, and shows could be operating at 100% by June or July.

Additionally, all that Joe Biden stimulus money is just floating around out there… and you know people are just itching to travel again! So as awful as things have been for the past year, they could completely turn around as soon as this summer. Of course, it won’t be all good when things return to normal. For example, those sweet deals on Vegas hotel rooms and flights? Yeah, those will probably return to normal prices as well. That’s to be expected.

Las Vegas recovery

However, Las Vegas is already experiencing other unexpected issues: For one, it’s getting harder and harder to get around in Vegas right now… at least using a service like Uber or Lyft. It seems that some of those companies drivers are having second thoughts about allowing strangers into their vehicles during a pandemic. No worries, though… the taxis are still running.

Of course, things could get downright ugly as well if a third wave of Coronavirus were to hit. And god help us if that third wave were a new strain of the virus that we didn’t have a vaccination for… putting us right back to where we were at this time last year. So fingers crossed, my friends, that everything continues to go well. Now for an update and a correction on a story we brought you last week.

And as we watch the Las Vegas recovery efforts, an update on our last show: We reported that the U.S. Department of Justice had abandoned their fight against online gambling and decided not to appeal their latest loss in the Wire Act case to the Supreme Court. But, it turns out that may have been a bit premature.

News agencies reporting that story have since retracted their statements, saying that in fact the DOJ could still appeal to the Supreme Court. Of course, they published that retraction after we put out our video. However, with the death of Sheldon Adelson in January, and a new administration in the White House, many experts agree that the Justice Department most likely will not appeal this case any further. Still, we’ll keep an eye on it.

And finally this week, the Bellagio just announced an exciting new feature for their guests! They are adding live, fully grown marlin to their fountain pool area out in front of the hotel. And for a small fee, tourists are welcome to try their luck fishing them out. The new Bellagio Marlin Fishing Experience will be open to the public starting on April 1st… That’s April 1st, my friends. Mermaid rides are extra.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

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Artur Martirosian Wins 2021 EPT Sochi Main Event ($325K)

Bitcoin nears all-time highs — Here’s why $73K is the next key level to watch

The price of Bitcoin (BTC) saw a correction in the run-up to the record options expiry last Friday. However, nothing happened despite some expecting a massive move on the same day. The actual correction occurred before the event. On the day itself, Bitcoin’s price has bottomed out and began to rally.

The ongoing rally above $59,000 is being fueled by bullish news from Visa and PayPal as both are getting into Bitcoin and cryptocurrency payments. Put differently, the market is very much in the middle of the bull cycle and any correction is a blessing to traders and investors.

Critical support zone holds for more upside

BTC/USDT 3-day chart. Source: TradingView

As the chart above shows, the critical support area between $49,500 and $51,000 was just tested last week. Since the support held, another higher low was made, resulting in renewed upward momentum, which is playing out this wee.

The entire structure since September is massively bullish when the market broke above $12,000 and started to accelerate. The previous higher low was made at $42,000, which then became the critical support area to hold. As Bitcoin’s price didn’t even need such a heavy correction this time around, the recent low at $49,500-$51,000 can be classified as the new higher low.

Therefore, the next points of interest can be made through the Fibonacci extension, where $73,000 and $92,000 become the next points of interest if Bitcoin’s price breaks above the current all-time high at around $61,000.

The total market cap looks bullish

Total market capitalization cryptocurrency 3-day chart. Source: TradingView

The total market capitalization shows a similar support test as the $1.5 trillion levels were critical to hold.

Since the total market cap of crypto survived that correction, more upside is very likely as the all-time high regions will be tested.

If further strength is being demonstrated, the next points of interest for the total market cap can be found at $2.2 trillion, which is also confirmed by the Fibonacci extension.

Bitcoin dominance chart approaches a critical zone

BTC Dominance 3-day chart. Source: TradingView

The dominance chart of Bitcoin shows a critical breaker for more downside. If the dominance drops below 60%, an assumption can be made that a sharp drop will occur toward 50%.

That’s not unlikely to happen since the summer period is often very favorable for altcoins. 2020 saw big rallies during this period, and investors remember the summer of 2017.

History may certainly repeat once more as many altcoin charts are looking bullish for breakouts against Bitcoin. Therefore, for alt season to happen, the price of Bitcoin must be relatively stable or slowly grind upward, which is currently the case.

A possible scenario for Bitcoin

BTC 4-hour chart. Source: Tradingview

The 4-hour chart of Bitcoin shows a clear uptrend since its recent bottom at $50,000.

However, several critical support levels are being established during this rebound. Right now, the important area to hold is $56,000. As long as that region maintains support, more upside is likely for the market. This puts new all-time highs and potentially $73,000 on the table.

On the upside, the critical area to break is shown by the red box, specifically $59,000-$60,000. Until then, altcoins will probably continue to gain momentum, and even if Bitcoin makes new all-time highs, altcoins will most likely follow suit.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph. Every investment and trading move involves risk. You should conduct your own research when making a decision.

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Bitcoin jumps past $59K as PayPal launches crypto payments at 29M merchants

Bitcoin (BTC) neared $60,000 on March 30 after PayPal confirmed that it had formally launched  cryptocurrency payments.

BTC/USD 1-minute candle chart (Bitstamp). Source: Tradingview

PayPal: Crypto is now “legitimate funding source”

Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and Tradingview showed BTC/USD hitting a ten-day high on Tuesday as details appeared in the mainstream press.

According an exclusive report from Reuters, PayPal is set to release a formal announcement later on the day in which it will unveil its long-awaited cryptocurrency payment feature for U.S. customers.

The company caused a stir last year when it confirmed its venture into crypto, with the rollout ultimately set to extend to all users and 29 million merchants.

“This is the first time you can seamlessly use cryptocurrencies in the same way as a credit card or a debit card inside your PayPal wallet,” President and CEO Dan Schulman told Reuters.

While PayPal will not focus solely on Bitcoin, BTC price action reacted favorably to the reports, passing February’s prior all-time high of $58,300 to manage $59,200 at the time of writing.

A look at orderbook data from Binance showed sellers still lined up between current spot price and historic highs of $61,700.

Continuing, PayPal referenced a watershed moment for cryptocurrencies in general, with Schulman describing them as a “legitimate funding source.”

“We think it is a transitional point where cryptocurrencies move from being predominantly an asset class that you buy, hold and or sell to now becoming a legitimate funding source to make transactions in the real world at millions of merchants,” he added.

Woo: Bitcoin heading to “millions of dollars”

Long a skeptic, PayPal’s official line now chimes with some of Bitcoin’s most forward proponents. Among the most bullish long-term forecasts this week was that from statistician Willy Woo, who in an interview said that a single Bitcoin would ultimately become worth “millions of dollars.”

“There’s no way that Bitcoin’s going to stop at the market cap of gold, which is $10 trillion; it’s going to go a lot higher, which means that we’re going to be going into the millions of dollars per coin,” he told Real Vision’s Laura Shin.

Also featuring was veteran trader Peter Brandt, who in a now widely-circulated comment said that he had completely changed his perspective on Bitcoin. 

“My mindset has changed… from bitcoin as a trade to bitcoin as a measure of wealth,” he said.

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Adrian Mateos On Course For First Super MILLION$ Title

Get Ready for GGPoker's Biggest Spring Series Ever!

Huge value and excitement awaits in the GGPoker Spring Festival throughout April

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Monday 29 March 2021

PancakeSwap (CAKE) aims to take a slice out of Uniswap’s DeFi dominance

Decentralized finance has taken a back seat to nonfungible tokens over the past month but this hasn’t stopped the top DeFi projects from developing and strategizing how to grow their ecosystems and market share. 

One project that has outperformed the field as of late is PancakeSwap (CAKE), the Binance Smart Chain-based automated market maker (AMM) that allows users to exchange tokens and earn a portion of fees through yield farming.

Monthly trading volume on PancakeSwap. Source: Delphi Digital

According to a recent report from Delphi Digital, several factors have played a significant role in helping the PancakeSwap ecosystem grow in recent months and analysts predict that the protocol will continue to be a serious competitor to Uniswap.

Users flee high Ethereum fees

Anyone who has tried to transact on the Ethereum (ETH) network in 2021 will have noticed the astronomical rise in gas fees which has been compounded by the rising price of Ether. 

Average Ethereum gas fee. Source: Etherscan

If you compare this chart of the average gas fees on Etherum with the chart above detailing the monthly trading volume on PancakeSwap, a correlation can be seen between higher fees and more activity on the DeFi platform.

While Ethereum fees were ballooning, Binance Smart Chain (BSC) emerged as a viable option thanks to numerous cross-chain bridges and low transaction costs. PancakeSwap is the largest, most established DEX on the BSC thus it benefits from the influx of users and Binance’s large user base.

Delphi Digital analysts identified Binance’s immense ecosystem as another major factor providing a boost for CAKE as its “vast network effect” comes from being the “biggest crypto exchange that’s typically the first choice for retail traders.”

Prospective users can gain access to the BSC by simply withdrawing their tokens from Binance to a BSC-supported wallet.

PancakeSwap could be a ‘perpetual vampire’

Delphi Digital also highlighted CAKE’s token economics as a significant factor for its future growth.

Unlike UNI and SushiSwap (SUSHI), there is not a hard cap on the supply of CAKE tokens which gives the platform the “ability to perpetually conduct targeted vampire attacks in order to attract liquidity and incentivize projects to launch on PancakeSwap’s AMM.”

The current weekly inflation rate for CAKE is 3.78%, which is significantly higher than UNI’s 2% yearly inflation rate.

Even with various deflationary measures implemented by CAKE developers, the “net emission is approximately 1,000,000 CAKE per week – which translates to 37% real inflation annually (or 0.7% weekly).”

According to Delphi Digital, PancakeSwap is aware of how the current inflation numbers look and the team announced a governance vote to change the emission schedule with the options to leave it the same, decrease it to 23.5 or 22 CAKE per block.

The option to reduce emissions to 22 CAKE, a 20% decrease, is currently favored to win and this would reduce CAKE emissions by 1,050,000. This would help to neutralize inflation while also allowing the project to keep its vampire attack capabilities in the long-run.

CAKE attempts to break above resistance

Data from Cointelegraph Markets and TradingView shows that since reaching a low of $8.30 on Feb. 28, the price of CAKE has made several attempts to break out to a new all-time high and at the time of writing the altcoin trades for $15.63.

CAKE/USDT 4-hour chart. Source: TradingView

According to data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro, market conditions for CAKE have been favorable for some time.

The VORTECS™ score, exclusive to Cointelegraph, is an algorithmic comparison of historic and current market conditions derived from a combination of data points including market sentiment, trading volume, recent price movements and Twitter activity. A recent test of the system resulted in investment returns as high as 1,497% using specific strategies outlined in the report.

VORTECS™ Score (green) vs. CAKE price. Source: Cointelegraph Markets Pro

As seen in the chart above, the VORTECS™ Score for CAKE turned green and registered a 65 on March 21, roughly six hours before the price began to rally over the next four days.

After the initial precise rise on March 22, the VORTECS™ Score continued to climb and reached a high of 81 on March 25, three hours before the price began to rally 36%.

Strong backing from Binance and low fees on BSC have PancakeSwap in an enviable position to attract additional liquidity from the Ethereum-based DeFi protocols as a practical solution to high gas fees remains elusive. Despite inflation-related concerns, analysts have suggested keeping an eye on this Uniswap competitor as the battle for DeFi dominance continues to unfold.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Every investment and trading move involves risk, you should conduct your own research when making a decision.

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Is the Bitcoin rally starting to heat up?

The “Kimchi premium” is back. Bitcoin (BTC) is trading more than 6% higher across major South Korean crypto exchanges as of March 29.

Data from CryptoQuant shows that the premium in the South Korean market was nonexistent for many months and, in fact, dropped to around -6% in early February when BTC dipped below $30,000.

The so-called Kimchi premium forms when the price of Bitcoin trades higher on South Korean exchanges than other markets.

The return of this premium is a bullish sign suggesting that demand for Bitcoin in South Korea is likely outpacing supply.

Bitcoin premium on Korean exchanges. Source: CryptoQuant

Why the Kimchi premium could be significant to Bitcoin

Although South Korea does not account for a majority share of the global Bitcoin market, it remains one of the major exchange markets by daily volume.

On CoinMarketCap, as an example, Bithumb is listed as the seventh-largest exchange in the world by daily trading volume, registering $1.3 billion in Bitcoin traded over the past 24 hours. 

The premium was especially high during past bull cycles, particularly in 2017 when BTC was trading well over 20% higher on South Korean exchanges compared with Coinbase and other large exchanges.

The Kimchi premium shows two major trends. First, it shows that the overall market sentiment in South Korea remains healthy. Second, it indicates that more buyers are entering the market.

The premium was already rebounding during the past several weeks before Visa announced that it will process transactions using USD Coin (USDC) on the Ethereum blockchain.

When the news was announced, both Bitcoin and Ether (ETH) rose by around 5% within three hours, leading to a strong recovery in the cryptocurrency market. The announcement may add more momentum to the rapid pace of institutional adoption so far this year and the possibility of a broader Bitcoin rally. 

“I smell crypto mass adoption here,”

Ki Young Ju, CEO of CryptoQuant, reacted to the news. 

What traders think will happen next

According to the pseudonymous trader known as “Rekt Capital,” if Bitcoin breaks above $59,000, a new all-time high becomes highly probable.

Bitcoin weekly price chart. Source: Rekt Capital/TradingView

The trader noted:

“BTC is recovering this week after the down-side wicks of the previous 2 weeks showed slowing in the sell-side momentum $BTC will attempt to crack the confluent black diagonal & red horizontal resistance area (~$59,000) Break this area and #Bitcoin will reach new All-Time Highs.”

Fellow trader “CryptoCapo,” meanwhile, said that this momentum can potentially take Bitcoin to new highs and above, possibly to even $80,000. He said:

“The panic didn’t make any sense. Some people just want to see the world burn… Send it to $80k+”

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Win Bounty Prizes in the $5k Showdown with Russell Peters on GGPoker

Are you ready to join stand-up comedian Russell Peters and battle against him in his own poker tournament? Well you can on GGPoker this week.

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Russell Peters Tournament Details

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Dzivielevski Denies Addamo Fourth Super MILLION$ Title

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Do $100K–$300K Bitcoin call options signal a bullish BTC price path?

The open interest on Bitcoin (BTC) Dec. 31 call options between $100,000 and $300,000 reached an impressive 6,700 contracts, which is currently worth $385 million. These derivatives give the buyer the right to acquire Bitcoin for a fixed price, while the seller is obliged to honor the price.

One might think that this is a great way to leverage a long position, but it comes at a cost and is usually quite high. For this right, the buyer pays an upfront fee (premium) to the call option seller. For example, the $100,000 call option is currently trading at 0.164 BTC, equivalent to $9,480.

For this reason, option traders seldomly buy these options by themselves. Therefore, longer-expiry derivatives usually involve multiple strike prices or calendar months.

Bitcoin options block trades. Source: Paradigm Telegram Channel

Shown above is an actual trade arranged by Paradigm, an institutional investor-focused over-the-counter trading desk. In this trade, a total of 37 BTC December $100,000 and $140,000 calls have been traded between two of their clients.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to know which side the market maker was, but considering the risks involved, one can assume the client was looking for a bullish position.

BTC calendar spread simulation. Source: Deribit Position Builder

By selling the $140,000 call option and simultaneously buying the more expensive $100,000 call, this client paid a $138,000 upfront premium. This amount represents their max loss, which takes place at $100,000 price on Dec. 31.

The red line on the above simulation shows the net outcome at expiry, measured in BTC. Meanwhile, the green line displays the theoretical net return on June 30.

Thus, this client needs Bitcoin to trade at $65,600 or higher on June 30 to recoup their investment. This number is significantly lower than the $107,150 required for the break-even if this “call spread” strategy buyer holds until the December expiry.

This phenomenon is caused by the $100,000 call option price appreciation being larger than the $140,000. While a Bitcoin price increase to $65,600 is quite relevant for a $100,000 option with six months left, it is not so much for the $140,000 one.

Countless strategies can be achieved by trading ultra-bullish call options, although the buyer doesn’t need to wait for the expiry date to lock in profits. Thus, if Bitcoin happens to increase by 30% in a couple of months, it makes sense for this call spread holder to unwind their position.

As shown in the example above, if Bitcoin reaches $75,000 in June, the buyer can lock in a $23,000 net profit by closing the position.

While it’s exciting to see exchanges offering massive $100,000–$300,000 expiries, these figures should not be taken as precise analysis-backed price estimates.

Professional traders use these instruments to conduct bullish but controlled investment strategies.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph. Every investment and trading move involves risk. You should conduct your own research when making a decision.

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Bubble or a drop in the ocean? Putting Bitcoin’s $1 trillion milestone into perspective

On Feb. 19, Bitcoin’s (BTC) market capitalization surpassed $1 trillion for the first time. While this was an exciting moment for investors...